Local/Development environment


Standard installation

Enduro uses Tilt to set up a local environment building the Docker images in a Kubernetes cluster. It has been tested with k3d, Minikube and Kind.

A local Kubernetes cluster:

It can run with other solutions like Microk8s or Docker for Desktop/Mac and even against remote clusters, check Tilt's Choosing a Local Dev Cluster and Install documentation for more information to install these requirements.

Additionally, follow the Manage Docker as a non-root user post-install guide so that you don’t have to run Tilt with sudo. Note that managing Docker as a non-root user is different from running the docker daemon as a non-root user (rootless).

Keycloak host

To make authentication work from the host browser and from within the cluster, the following entry needs to be added to your /etc/hosts file: keycloak

For Windows/WSL2 users, open Notepad, as an Administrator, and then add the above to your etc/hosts file located like C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc/hosts.

Requirements for development

While we run the services inside a Kubernetes cluster we recomend to install Go, Node.js and other tools locally to ease the development process.

If using Linux, Node.js binary distributions are available from NodeSource.


As source-code editor, we strongly recommended Visual Studio Code for its great out-of-the-box support for Go and TypeScript. The project includes some basic settings for formatting and we suggest installing the following VSCcode extensions:

  • Go
  • Vue Language Features (Volar)
  • TypeScript Vue Plugin (Volar)
  • Prettier - Code formatter
  • ESLint

Set up

Start a local Kubernetes cluster with a local registry. For example, with k3d:

k3d cluster create sdps-local --registry-create sdps-registry

Make sure kubectl is available and configured to use that cluster:

kubectl config view

Clone this repository and move into its folder if you have not done that previously:

git clone git@github.com:artefactual-sdps/enduro.git
cd enduro

Bring up the environment:

tilt up

While the Docker images are built/downloaded and the Kubernetes resources are created, hit space to open the Tilt UI in your browser. Check the Tilt UI documentation to know more about it.


There are four services available from the host, three of them using SSO with Keycloack:

Service URL Username Password
Dashboard http://localhost:8080 admin admin123
MinIO console http://localhost:7460 minio minio123
Temporal UI http://localhost:7440 admin admin123
Grafana http://localhost:7490 admin admin123
Keycloak http://localhost:7470 keycloak keycloak123

Submit your first transfer

You're all set up! Go ahead and submit your first transfer.

Live updates

Tilt, by default, will watch for file changes in the project folder and it will sync those changes, rebuild the Docker images and recreate the resources when necessary. However, we have disabled auto-load within the Tiltfile to reduce the use of hardware resources. There are refresh buttons on each resource in the Tilt UI that allow triggering manual updates and re-executing jobs and local resources. You can also set the trigger_mode env string to TRIGGER_MODE_AUTO within your local .tilt.env file to override this change and enable auto mode.

The enduro-dashboard uses Vite to serve the application in development with hot reload. The enduro and enduro-a3m-worker services require rebuilding the entire images - these will take longer to update.

Stop/start the environment

Run ctrl-c on the terminal where tilt up is running and stop the cluster with:

k3d cluster stop sdps-local

To start the environment again:

k3d cluster start sdps-local
tilt up

Clear the cluster

Check the Tilt UI helpers below to just flush the existing data.

To remove the resources created by Tilt in the cluster, execute:

tilt down

Note that it will take some time to delete the persistent volumes when you run tilt down and flushing the existing data does not delete the cluster. To delete the volumes immediately, you can delete the cluster.

Delete the cluster

Deleting the cluster will remove all the resources immediatly, deleting cluster container from the host. With k3d, run:

k3d cluster delete sdps-local

Tilt environment configuration

A few configuration options can be changed by having a .tilt.env file located in the root of the project. Example:



Enables live updates on code changes for the enduro services.


Determines the preservation system between Archivematica (am) and a3m (a3m), defaults to a3m. Check the Working with Archivematica docs if you are planning to use Archivematica as preservation system.


Build and use a local version of a3m. Requires to have the a3m repository cloned as a sibling of this repository folder.


Relative path to a preprocessing child workflow repository. It loads a Tiltfile called Tiltfile.enduro from that repository and mounts a presistent volume claim (PVC) in the preservation system pod. That PVC must be defined in the preprocessing and be called preprocessing-pvc. Check the Preprocessing child workflow docs to configure the child workflow execution.

Tilt UI helpers

Upload to MinIO

In the Tilt UI header there is a cloud icon/button that allows you to configure and trigger an upload to the sips bucket in MinIO. Click the caret to set the path to a file/directory in the host and a MinIO object name, then click the cloud icon to trigger the upload.

For example, to upload an existing sample ZIP from the project folder (make sure you update /path/to/enduro to the proper project folder in the host):

  • Host path: /path/to/enduro/hack/sampledata/StructB-AM.zip
  • Object name: StructB-AM.zip

Alternatively, you can submit a transfer using the /package/upload API via cURL by running the following make target:

make upload-sample-transfer


Also in the Tilt UI header, click the trash button to flush the existing data. This will recreate the MySQL databases and the MinIO buckets, and restart the required resources.


Grouped as tools, there are some code generators:

  • gen-goa: generates the Go API code based on the Goa design.
  • gen-dashboard-client: generates the TypeScript client code for the API.
  • gen-ent: generates the Go database code.

This resources need to be triggered manually by default, but they can be configured to run automatically on code changes in the Tilt UI.

Known issues

MinIO uploads don't trigger workflows

The setup of the Minio buckets and the communication between Minio and Redis is sometimes not setup properly. To solve it, from the Tilt UI, restart the minio resource and then trigger the minio-setup-buckets resource.