
go test

In Go, tests are executed with go test. Use go help test to see all the options provided. A simple example:

go test -v ./pkg/isr/...

With flag -v, go test prints the full output include logging.

Disable caching

Go uses its cache of tests results unless the code was changed. It is possible to force tests to run regardless the status of the cache with:

go test -count=1 ./pkg/isr/...

Race detector

Go comes with a race detector, often used in CI only since it slows down the tests significantly:

go test -race ./pkg/isr/...

You can use make test-race to achieve the same.


For convenience, we use gotestsum. It is a go test runner that produces more readable output and additional options, e.g.:

gotestsum --format=testname ./pkg/isr

You can still pass go test flags to the runner, e.g.:

gotestsum --format=testname ./pkg/isr -- -count=1

Our make test uses gotestsum.


Similarly, we use tparse to produce coverage reports.

$ go test -count=1 -json ./pkg/isr/... | tparse
│  STATUS │ ELAPSED │                            PACKAGE                            │ COVER │ PASS │ FAIL │ SKIP  │
│  PASS   │  0.00s  │ gitlab.artefactual.com/clients/ste/sdps_preprocessing/pkg/isr │  --   │  10  │  0   │  0    │

We provide make tparse with a set of predefined configuration flags.